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Governor of Massachusetts visits Tsinghua SEM
Jul 12, 2020

Willard Mitt Romney, Governor of Massachusetts visited Tsinghua SEM on December 8th, delivering a speech to almost 110 students. A large number of Tsinghua IMBAs participated in this event.

During his one-hour talk, Governor Romney shared with the audience two pieces of advice when trying to meet goals or targets: 1) put aside conventional wisdom and 2)assemble great people for your team so there can be a wide range of ideas.  Aside from this, he mentioned that helping others throughout life can result in tremendous joy and satisfaction.

On the Q&A part, Mr. Romney answered questions from the audience, covering areas including Sino-US relationship, economy policy suggestions to China, US banking's development in China, Iraq problems and the Olympic Games.

Born in 1947, Willard Mitt Romney is the 70th Governor of Massachusetts. Romney received his B.A. with Highest Honors and as valedictorian from Brigham Young University in 1971. In 1975, Romney was awarded an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and was named a Baker scholar. In 1975 he also received his J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School. Romney is a possible candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.


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