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Tsinghua to hold 1st annual meeting on entrepreneurship
Jul 13, 2020

Tsinghua University, one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China, is holding its first annual meeting on entrepreneurship this Saturday, on the university's 101th anniversary.

China's economic development has entered an era of adjusting the industrial structure and self-innovating. Tsinghua University has a rich experience in and plenty of resources on entrepreneurship, with many of its students aspiring to set up their own businesses.

The meeting features a main forum concerning the theme of "Shaping the entrepreneurial century," six sub-forums and a display of projects it is taking on board. The sub-forums will cover the topics of the Internet, medical care, cultural innovation and new media, environmental protection and new energy, listing and financing, and finally that of team building,

Government officials, entrepreneurs from renowned companies, professors, current Tsinghua students as well as alumni are expected to attend the meeting.


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