By Friese Niklas, GMBA Class of 2018, Tsinghua-MIT Global MBA Program
Students of the GMBA students made their first experience
in the entrepreneurship world and presented their business ideas at the
X-Elerator in front of professional judges on 10th December, 2016.
X-Elerator Office
Before we started with the pitches, the
international relations manager Mike introduced the X-Elerator and the
advantages it has for its members. Besides free work space for up to six
months, it also provides legal advice and connection to private investors,
business partners and other start-ups. The work of the X-Elerator has been
recently honored with several start-up prices.
Furthermore, Stive, a young Serbian
entrepreneur, introduced his project. He builds up a platform for
internationals in China to facilitate the access to jobs for non-Chinese
speakers. Stive is already part of the X-Elerator and he shared his
entrepreneurship experience as well as the challenges he faces in China.
After his start-up insights, we introduced
the GMBA pitches. Besides two pitches from our class, we also invited our MBA
alumni Michael Chen as well as Keith and Putt from G15 to pitch.
We first started with the pitch from
Peren Kant Xiao and Jorge Alvaro Montoya Urbano, students from GMBA Class of
2018. They presented their idea “Speak up”. Speak up is a human translation
service that enables users to contact native speakers. This app connects
foreigners with locals so that users have the ability to contact a private
translator on the phone anytime.
The second pitch was presented by
Michael, our MBA alumni who will enter the market with his business idea in
February. Michael graduated from the GMBA last year and is currently working on
his start-up called Wealthwiz. Wealthwiz
enables Chinese citizens to invest in stocks and ETFs on the American market.
Furthermore, this program is giving investment recommendations based on
After that, Jianke Xiao, student
from GMBA Class of 2018, introduced her interesting idea. She works on a
platform that brings volunteers and NGO’s together. Volunteers can use the
platform to find job opportunities in all kinds of different organizations that
offer volunteer work around the globe. Keke is currently looking for a business
partner who is taking over the technical part and who helps her to set up the
Keith and Putt from the GMBA Class
of 2017, pitched the last business idea of the event. They are working on an
app called “App-Etizer”. This app is giving customized app suggestions based on
the current location of the user. Four G15 students, all from four different
Southeast-Asian countries, are currently working on that project. The app is
particularly focusing on South-East Asian who travel and study abroad.
Group Photo
We wish everyone good luck with
their great ideas and we would like to thank everyone, who participated in this
event as a pitcher and as a spectator. Besides GMBA students, we were very glad
to have Prof. Steven White, alumni Michael and several MBA exchange students
attending the event.