Tsinghua X-Lab
Jul 25, 2020

Tsinghua x-lab has been established to facilitate integration of inter-department resources to offer systematic and ongoing support for students and alumni with their innovative and entrepreneurial endeavors. X-lab provides mentoring and incubation services, investment funds, workspace, networking, experience-sharing events, field trips, an online platform, and many more. It brings together Tsinghua students, faculty, alumni, experienced entrepreneurs, investors and experts from across society.

'X' in the Platform's name Refers to the mission of Pursuing the Unknown at the intersection of Multiple Academic Disciplines and Needs. 'Lab' emphasizes the Experiential, Collaborative and Action-based Process. That is Core to the x-Lab's Approach to learning. These form the basis of the three unique value propositions that the x-lab offers: linkages among multiple disciplines within Tsinghua, integration of resources within and outside the university, and new learning methods to develop individual and team capabilities to generate business model innovations and support social activism.

Officially launched in April 2013, the x-lab operates under the auspices of the School of Economics and Management and links 14 schools and departments across Tsinghua University, including Mechanical Engineering, Natural Sciences, Information Science and Technology, Arts and Design, Medicine, Aerospace , Environment, Architecture, Materials Science and Engineering, Public Policy and Management, Journalism and Communication, Law, and Engineering Physics. The Tsinghua Entrepreneur & Executive Club (TEEC) and Tsinghua Science Park (TusPark) are strategic founding partners.

Lear more: http://www.x-lab.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/


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