AMP, under the direct leadership of Tsinghua SEM MBA Programs and Alumni office, is managed and implemented by new incoming MBA class. After a two-way matching process, mentorship may continue until students’ graduation. Since the first AMP program in 2007, alumni and students have enthusiastically embraced the platform, further promoting the Tsinghua MBA brand name.

• Apply to AMP and select desired mentor
• Proactively work with selected mentor
• Strictly observe rules and regulation and not make unrealistic demand
• Evaluate AMP
• Coordinate with AMP project manager
Activities: Projects, Topic Discussion, Experience Sharing, Career Advice, Case Analysis, Book Club, Company Visit, Outdoor Activities
Coming from a pure engineering background, I had little understanding about what being in a business student entails and the kind of undertakings required. A year inTSINGHUA GLOBAL MBA PROGRAM gave me good clarity about what it means to be in a business environment. More importantly, my first-year experience at Tsinghua helped me build a strong foundation in business management and allow me to better communicate better with likeminded business students from different background.
The reason I applied for Tsinghua MBA – MIT MSMS dual degree program is that I love how much flexibility the MIT MSMS program offers. This is the only program I know that allows students to attend any classes from any MIT’s schools. You can even cross-register as a student at Harvard! The program allows you to build a well-balanced curriculum and take classes that tailors to your own personal and professional goals.
Lv Xiao XiMBA Class of 1993
English Boulevard International Development Group, President of Asia -
Participating in AMP, one can better understand the situation of current students as well as their passion, intellectual, diligence etc. Intensive interaction benefited me immensely as a human resource professional. I suggest merging interviews and AMP organically, thereby creating a differentiated Tsinghua MBA education system; sharing success stories and constantly improving. I wish AMP would become a brand name in its own right within the overall Tsinghua MBA program.
Liu Wei GangMBA Class of 1997
An Tai Technology Co., Chief of Human Resources -
Our mentor shared with us his extensive experiences as an entrepreneur, and served as a guide to life in general. He inspired us with life lessons, specifically when to give up and when not to give up, which helped our personal growth immensely.
Zhou Chen YuIMBA Class of 2007 I1 -
Our mentor, works at a real estate company, shared his rich industry experience that has helped me a lot, offered me practical advice on my career path, and provided much professional advice. I am currently interning in operations at a real estate company for the summer that utilizes all the information and experience I have so far accumulated.
Zhang YingFMBA Class of 2008, F2